Move out of your parent's house- Indians love the concept of living in a big joint family, where all our needs are taken care of without us ever having to ask. However, to truly grow, you need your own space. Growth thrives in freedom, not in confinement
Men, unfortunately, will always have a problem with commitment. I am sure women do too. But i did not date women
Marvel's success in the 2010s cannot be replicated!
You are allowed to let go of chaotic relationships and friendships
Prioritise mental health over work and relationships
Learning to accept my single hood and actually enjoy it! (a work-in-progress)
On my 25th birthday. I had just discovered an acne breakout (my only one) and was would up about my law exams. I thought for years that I had to choose a career that made the most money and made my parents happy. What I didn’t realise was that while I may not have had a choice when I was little, as an adult, I now had full agency
Flared, high-waist trousers are a women's best friend
Find a partner who is more generous than you and wants the absolute best for you
I loathe materialistic people
It’s okay if you don’t stay friends with everyone you met in school or college. People grow apart, people grow differently.
Help people
You will get better at running the house and planning dinners
What are some of your best pieces of advice?